Who We Are

As we further the understanding of the mundane world, we have neglected the understanding of all else.
— Harvey Ashford (Founding Director of the Bureau Arcana)

Our Mission

The Bureau Arcana strives to be the authority on all matters outside the mundane. We strive to cultivate knowledge and understanding of the Occult, Arcane, Eldritch, Cosmic, Mystic, Magic, Metaphysical, and Esoteric. We strive to be the nation’s first line of defense against threat outside the scope of the mundane.

What We’ve Achieved

  • Established a network of scholars and professionals dedicated to the further understanding of the Occult, Arcane, Etc.

  • Established the first academically accredited university dedicated to the study of the esoteric arts and sciences.

  • Investigated and chronicled metaphysical and metabiological anomalies unexplainable with mundane sciences.

  • Established a robust defense network to respond to any and all threats of the Occult, Cosmic, Eldritch, etc.

  • Established specialized training for agents to best investigate, combat, and neutralize threats of an otherworldly nature.

  • Protected our nation from countless Cosmic and anomalous threats.