Our Team

  • The Magician

    Director of Special Ops

    Adam Nolan

  • The High Priestess

    Director of Mystic Arts

    Laura Bell

  • The Empress

    Director of Communications

    Alexia Ward

  • The Emperor

    Executive Director

    James Graves

  • The Hierophant

    Director of Archival

    Nathaniel Cross

  • The Lovers

    Director of Sociology

    Miles Prince

  • The Chariot

    Director of Engineering

    Quinton Cade

  • Strength

    Director of Medicine

    Dr. Jacqueline Wells M.D

  • The Hermit

    Director of Stealth Ops

    Maxwell Sharp

  • The Wheel Of Fortune

    Director of Statistics

    Mark Walker

  • Justice

    Director of Ethics

    Nicholas Wright

  • The Hanged Man

    Director of Intelligence

    Elliott Harding

  • Death

    Director of [[REDACTED]]


  • Temperance

    Director of Arcane Ops

    Daniel Moore

  • The Devil

    Director of Legal

    Arthur Cross

  • The Tower

    Director of Munitions

    Killian Wilkes

  • The Star

    Director of Astronomy

    Misha Woods

  • The Moon

    Director of Research

    Dr. Royce Greyson

  • The Sun

    Director Of Technology

    Andrew Cade

  • Judgement

    Director of Security

    Cole White

  • The World

    Director of Facilities

    Osric Ashford

  • The Fool

    Rookie Agents